Pierre Colsenet Visual

When it comes to building or renovating a property, one of the key documents that developers and property owners need to be aware of is the Severn Trent Build Over Agreement form. This important document is required by Severn Trent Water, a leading UK water and wastewater services provider, to ensure that their assets are protected and their service to customers is uninterrupted.

So, what exactly is a Severn Trent Build Over Agreement form, and why is it necessary?

Firstly, it’s worth understanding what assets are referred to. When we talk about ‘water assets,’ we’re referring to a range of infrastructure such as pipes, sewers, aqueducts, and other equipment that carry water and wastewater to and from homes and businesses. These assets are crucial to ensuring that people have access to clean water and that wastewater is effectively treated and disposed of.

Therefore, when building work is carried out that affects the ground around these assets, there’s a risk of damage which could lead to interruptions to water supply or wastewater treatment. This is where the Severn Trent Build Over Agreement form comes in.

This form is essentially an application that developers or property owners must complete to obtain permission to build or renovate around Severn Trent’s water assets. It provides details of the proposed works, including the location and nature of the building work, and outlines how the assets will be protected during the construction process to prevent any damage.

Once the form has been completed, it is submitted to Severn Trent for review. The review process usually takes between 4-6 weeks, during which time Severn Trent engineers will assess the application to ensure that the proposed building work is compatible with the existing water infrastructure and will not pose any risk of damage or disruption.

The Build Over Agreement form is intended to ensure that any construction work is carried out safely and that Severn Trent’s assets are protected throughout the process. Failure to obtain a Build Over Agreement form before starting construction work can result in fines and legal action being taken against the property owner or developer.

In conclusion, if you’re planning to carry out any building or renovation work on your property, it’s essential that you are aware of the Severn Trent Build Over Agreement form. This form is an important part of ensuring that your construction work is carried out safely and that Severn Trent’s water assets are protected, ultimately helping to ensure that you and your neighbours have continued access to clean water and effective wastewater treatment.

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